Update: Within a few hours of the magazine landing on subscribers doorsteps we started receiving phone calls to place tree orders!

Hardy Eucalyptus @ Grafton Nursery are immensely proud to announce that we have the huge privilege of being featured in the December 2018 issue of renowned magazine Gardens Illustrated.
Article reference and credits:
‘Barks Shoots and Leaves’ Gardens Illustrated, December 2018 issue, pgs 68-73
Author: John Hoyland
Photographer: Jason Ingram
Technical information: Hilary Collins
You should be able to purchase copies of the December issue in stores from the 8th November, or buy online.
We’ve managed to find single copies of the magazine here.
Or you can subscribe to their magazine, we think it’s worth it!

We are honoured to be featured in a 6 page article in the middle of the magazine
Early in 2018 Sorrel Everton, Deputy Director of Gardens Illustrated, made contact with Grafton Nursery to ask if she could run a feature on our Eucalyptus.

The Nursery’s article was featured on the front cover as well as in the Editors Letter
On the approach to RHS Chelsea and BBC Gardeners World Live, timing proved to be complicated. We were already awash with film crew for our slot on the BBC2 Chelsea TV coverage.
Eventually, Grafton Nursery’s CEO Hilary Collins was able to arrange a photo shoot with Jason Ingram, Director of Jason Ingram Photography, who was enlisted by Gardens Illustrated to photograph the feature trees. His photographs are stunning and really capture the qualities and characteristics of the trees.
Following Jason’s visit, Garden Writer John Hoyland of Mad With Joy came to the Nursery to interview Hilary for the generous 6-page article. John was meticulous and enthusiastic throughout the several hours long interview. He concisely summed up Hilary’s passion and expertise.
Hilary acted as proof-reader and also wrote sections of technical growing advice which have been printed as part of the article.

All of us at Grafton Nursery, Hardy Eucalyptus, would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Jason, John, Sorrel and her team at Gardens Illustrated, for the most fantastic article. We couldn’t have asked for anything better. – Hilary
Author and blog image credits: Charlie Hartigan, Grafton Nursery