Hardy Eucalyptus
Family run
We are a multi-award winning (over 25 RHS medals!), family run nursery with over 40 years of nursery experience & 30 years landscape experience,
Passionate growers
Eucalyptus Trees are our thing! We first started growing Eucalyptus in 2000 and, bitten by the bug, we now grow the widest range in the UK.
They are a fascinating, beautiful, versatile, and highly evolved group of trees, and our mission is to help people select the right Eucalyptus tree for them and their garden.
Our Easy & Popular Choices
A selection of our most popular species. Small, hardy, and bursting with character!
Eucalyptus parvula – Small Leaved Kybean Gum – 1 of our absolute favourites
Eucalyptus pulverulenta ‘Baby Blue’ – 1 of our most popular Eucs
Eucalyptus gunnii x gunnii ‘France Bleu’ – 1 of the best ever Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Azura’ – Dwarf Cider Gum – 1 of our absolute Favourites
Four things you need to know before buying a eucalyptus!
We’re here to help you choose your Eucalyptus Tree
We’ll also email you with expert seasonal advice for
your Eucalyptus & exclusive offers. No spam – just Eucalyptus.
You can opt out at any time. Click here to see our privacy policy in full.
Happy Plants
Customer Reviews

Explore Our One of A Kinds
Eucalyptus mitchelliana – Mount Buffalo Sally – 1 of the magnificent Mountain Gums
Eucalyptus pauciflora ssp. pauciflora ‘Mount Buffalo’ – Mount Buffalo Snow Gum – 1 of our absolute favourites
Eucalyptus Starter Plants – 2 Plant Deal + FREE Rootgrow 60g
Eucalyptus saxatilis – Suggan Buggan Gum 1 of our amazing dwarf Eucs
Special Offers
Want To Learn More?
Eucalyptus Articles

Hardiness and Eucalyptus Trees in the UK
Frequently Asked Question: Are Eucalyptus hardy for the UK? Summary of this article: What is Hardiness in plants – how does it all work? We

How to water a newly planted Eucalyptus correctly!
Watering is a skill. I’d go so far as to say it is an artform. For some it is intuitive, but for most people it

Feeling Browned Off After Winter?
So your Eucalyptus has got brown and crispy foliage and you want to know if it’s going to leaf out again or for that matter
Share your eucalyptus journey with us.
We absolutely love seeing your photos, whether you’re using our products or just enjoying your eucalyptus.
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